- Offer a Variety of Payment Options: Is it easy to buy tickets to your event? If not, it should be. Be sure to offer lots of ways to pay and ensure that you are making it as easy as possible for people to buy tickets to your event. Consider accepting different types of credit cards, Payson and invoicing. You want to get paid for your event: the smoother the payment process, the easier it is to increase returns.
- Embed Ticket Sales into Your Site: Are you promoting ticket sales from your website? It is not difficult to embed technology onto your site that makes it easy to sell tickets directly to your customers. Anything you can do to make things easier for prospects will make them more likely to buy tickets.
- Personalize Your Event Marketing: Consumers are bombarded with marketing messages every day. The best messages are the ones that are relevant to the consumer. Consider this when creating your digital marketing plan. Use the data that you have on customers to make your messages personal. Segment your lists by demographics such as gender, age, income level, job title, location, etc., as well as by behavioral data, such as past purchases or browsing data. This will help your message stand out in a crowded marketplace.
- Engage Your Audience On-Site: Your customers have signed up for your event, paid money and shown up to participate. You can’t stop now. Engage these attendees on site. Provide great content. Take surveys. Encourage attendees to interact with others and share their experiences via social media with your hashtag. Encourage people to download your app or share their email addresses. These tactics will ensure that the conversation around your event takes place beyond the event and will make it easier for you to interact with these people in advance of your next event.
- Add Waitlisting Technology to Your Event Page: If you have very popular events that tend to sellout, then consider creating waitlists. These tools will allow you to track who is interested in attending your event. This list is a great tool to tap in order to fill the seats of last minute cancellations. It is also a great list of people to market your next event to.