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How to Make Your Event Stand out in the Crowd

With painting parties, wine tastings, escape rooms, comedy shows and pizza runs popping up all over the place, the events market is getting more saturated every day. No matter what your budget, event planners are faced with more competition than ever as consumers have increased options to choose. This busy marketplace makes it increasingly difficult to get attention for your event.

However, the right mix of marketing and communications strategies can go a long way toward getting your event on the map. We’ve put together a list of six strategies that can help you make your event stand out in the crowd.

  1. Define & Promote the Unique Elements of Your Event

Are you hosting an event with some of Italy’s best winemakers for the first time in the UK? Is your comedy night a favorite among London celebrities? Define what is cool and special about your event and play up these attributes in your marketing messaging. While it might not be the most obvious element of your event, look for the characteristics that make your event stand out and promote those elements.


  1. Disrupt Expectations

While most people don’t think of a 5K as the typical way to spend a hen party, it actually makes a lot of sense for sporty people that want to get in shape for their wedding and lay off the booze. Consider audiences for your event that are outside of your typical target and try to reach these people in new and creative ways. A promotion for a 5K will stand out on a wedding website saturated with flowers and dresses. Imagine new possibilities for your brand and place your messaging where it is more likely to turn heads.


  1. Make Your Event the Answer to the Social Plans Question

Couples are always looking for good ideas for date night or a great weekend getaway. Single women are often looking for fun ideas for ladies night out. Consider different target audiences for your event and position yourself as part of their social plan. Is it the place for a date night or the right event for a birthday party? Figure out the best ways to pitch your event in people’s social lives and push messaging that promotes these ideas.


  1. Market Your Not-to-be-Missed Event

There is nothing like getting to the office in the morning and finding out that you missed the best concert of the year or scrolling social media and seeing photos your friends at a painting party, while you sat home and watched TV. Play up on people’s fear of missing out by making your event seem so special that everyone will be talking about it after it is over. Fear of missing out can help drive ticket sales.


  1. Generate Social Interest

Reach out to social influencers and get them excited about the unique elements of your event. Ask them to blog about your party or talk about it on social media networks. Generate images for Instagram, copy for Twitter and news links for Facebook to make it easy for people to spread the word. Ensure to send these social sharing elements to your email list, so that past attendees and people who have already bought tickets can brag about it to their friends in the digital world.


  1. Add a Physical Element to Your Marketing

Attention spans are getting shorter and shorter, and it’s hard to make your event stand out, as you are constantly competing for attention in the digital world. Consider memorable real world elements that you can play up to promote your event. Whether it is a 5-minute standup act at a busy location in London during lunchtime or a demo of the bubble room at your monthly brunch event, stage a mini event in a location with lots of eyeballs. And of course, share these events on social media to help catch people’s eye.

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Francesca O´Brien Apelgren, CEO
Swedish Marketing Federation
Francesca O´Brien Apelgren, CEO, Swedish Marketing Federation

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