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How to prepare yourself mentally for giving a presentation at an event

There are lots of tips and guides on structure, format and techniques for delivering presentations at events. Here, we focus on mental preparation. This is of great significance not only for your own wellbeing, but also for how the presentation is perceived and received by your audience. In other words, mental training is not just a tool for nervous speakers. It is something that can pay dividends for all. Be a better presenter and ensure the success of events.

How you say what you say, how you interact with your audience, your body language and how you move around the room or stage are crucial parts of your presentation. They communicate your attitude and emotional state. Mental training is the nearest thing you have to a control for setting a positive emotional state.

Relaxed concentration and visualization as the event approaches

The first step when you use mental training in your preparation is relaxation and concentration. When you are relaxed, you are more open to changing your attitude. The next step is visualization. Imagine how you are going to give the presentation. Imagine the audience, questions they may ask and how you will answer them. When you visualize a successful presentation, you create a track in your consciousness. You can then follow this and realize your vision.

It is likely that you have heard of elite athletes who practise mental training and use visualization before critical matches and competitions. The tool is amazingly effective in very many contexts. It can be used to control internal and external stress, general wellbeing, concentration, memory and performance in a number of fields.

Mental tricks right before the presentation

There are various tricks you can use to wind down and find inner peace and focus before striding out to give your presentation at an event. If you have already devoted a day or a week to mental preparation via relaxed concentration and visualization, you now have to simply and efficiently recapture that composure. However, if your schedule is packed, there may be almost no space for such preparation as the presentation approaches. This is when it is good to have micro-tricks that work in next to no time.

  • Go for a walk
  • Listen to a good tune
  • Smile at yourself in a mirror
  • Drink a glass of water
  • Repeat a thought or question, aloud or internally
  • Stretch out and take a couple of deep breaths


Experiment and see which work best for you!

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"Magnet is incredibly flexible! Arranging events was previously a manual process for us that took a lot of time, as it included everything from handling registrations and unsubscribers in an excel sheet, to manual invoicing and more. Magnet now solves it all. The presentation, invitation, registrations, check-ins and invoicing in one tool. Incredibly smooth! We are very satisfied Magnet customers."
Björn Lilja, Head of Customer Experience
Björn Lilja, Head of Customer Experience, Kundo

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